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Our vision

We are motivated by a vision of a thriving Rockingham County, where diversity and civility co-exist and all members of the community feel valued and supported. We believe that a thriving community is one where every resident has opportunities to participate in the social, economic, and civic life of the community.


We envision a community where residents value public education that begins in early childhood, participate in a thriving local economy, and have opportunities to be active and enjoy both mental and physical wellbeing. We believe that a healthy community is one where members are connected to one another, recognizing and valuing both commonalities and differences.

How we work

We identify and work closely with partners - nonprofit organizations, local government agencies, and public institutions - who share our vision. These partnerships will develop and support programs and initiatives that bring one or more aspects of our vision to reality. We support efforts to convene community partners around public education, early childhood services, health and wellness, and community development.


Furthermore, we commit to modeling our values around equity and courageous leadership. We use an equity lens in our work as grantmakers and community partners, ensuring that we see and address disparities. We lead as facilitators, partners, and conveners. We value the diversity within our community and operate in ways that encourage and inspire connections across differences.

What we do

We actively pursue our vision through our grantmaking, supporting transformative initiatives and strategic projects in early childhood and public education, health and wellness, and community development.


Our goal is to transform and significantly improve the education, health, and quality of life of the residents of Rockingham County.


We see our role as helping our community partners to create pathways to success in these areas and to build bridges over obstacles for residents of Rockingham County. 

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